Natural & Rustic Furniture
Did you know that ecological furnishings add more to a space than a place to sit? They are pieces of art that spring from nature
Summer Activities
July seems like the longest month of summer holidays because it's between June and August. The excitement of summer holidays has worn off and it's
Picnic Essentials
Did you know that the word picnic is derived from the French word pique-nique, which is used to describe light meals taken outside. It was
Green Is In
The word green has the same Germanic root as the words for grass and grow. During the middle ages, it was associated with wealth and
Owner-Builder Advantages
You may have visited a new home while shopping for real estate. They are the benchmark for home buyers everywhere. House-hunters will visit a show
Naturalism in Decor
For some people, their home is the ultimate sanctuary of utter calm. It's place of blissful quietude to reset the day, a refuge from the
Regular Home Inspections
Many people don't realize how important it is to inspect their house on a regular basis. You may be able to do a complete inspection
Rainy Day Activities
Wet and soggy afternoons bring their own delights for adults and children. They're an opportunity to indulge in one's hobbies or to escape the house
The OG Advertising Platform: Historical Newspapers of Victoria
When it comes to advertising a home in Victoria, the mediums on which to do so are nearly endless. Agents today can choose from
Condos Are Communities
One of the nice things about buying a condo is the sense of security in a collective. Neighbours usually have similar lifestyles and expectations for
Launder Like Hotels
Luxury hotels make tremendous investments in bedding and towels that is apparent by the way they look and feel. “Hotel quality” is often synonymous with
- Time Travel, Timelines, and a Timely Topic: Pemberton Memorial Operating Room Gallery
Time Travel, Timelines, and a Timely Topic: Pemberton Memorial Operating Room
Educational, Historical Vancouver Island, Real Estate History, Royal Jubilee Hospital, Vancouver Island Neighbourhoods, Victoria History
Time Travel, Timelines, and a Timely Topic: Pemberton Memorial Operating Room
I think we can all agree that, given the hypothetical choice, we would most definitely prefer to have an operation done in 2022 as